The latest energy efficiency industry news, tips, trends, and insights from the Encentiv Energy team.

Kelli DeThomas

Kelli DeThomas

Product Manager, Encentiv Energy

Recent Posts:

New Feature: Custom Products for ROI Scoping

Meet your new Custom Product Catalog. Our latest Payback Calculator feature will help you quickly sc...
Kelli DeThomas July 22, 2024

2024 Q2 Manufacturer Data Analysis

An aggregate look at Encentiv usage data from April to June 2024 Each quarter, our Customer Success ...
Kelli DeThomas July 17, 2024

Encentiv Sustainability Team History

Exploring the impacts of our cross-functional team since its establishment At Encentiv Energy, our d...
Kelli DeThomas April 30, 2024

2024 Q1 Manufacturer Data Analysis

An aggregate look at Encentiv usage data from January to March 2024 Each quarter, our Customer Succe...
Kelli DeThomas April 4, 2024

New Feature: Wattage-Selectable Product Handling in Payback Calculator

Wattage-selectable products are becoming more prevalent, and our new Payback Calculator feature will...
Kelli DeThomas March 27, 2024

Introducing mfg.utilitygenius.com!

Meet the new one-stop shop for all of your Encentiv customization and functionality, mfg.utilitygeni...
Kelli DeThomas March 12, 2024

Q3 Manufacturer Data Analysis

An aggregate look at Encentivizer use data from July to September 2023 Each quarter, our Customer Su...
Kelli DeThomas October 18, 2023

Empower your marketing team with rebate data

Rebates are a known mechanism for your sales team. Whether they are pushing to win a bid or trying t...
Kelli DeThomas June 29, 2023

Summer Savings: Why you should complete energy efficiency upgrades now

You just got your first energy bill of the summer and now you remember that energy efficiency upgrad...
Kelli DeThomas June 29, 2023

Analysis: 2023 Utility Business, Commercial & Industrial Rebate Trends

In early March, the team at Encentiv Energy hosted our annual Utility Rebates: What’s New in 2023 we...
Kelli DeThomas March 30, 2023

UtilityGenius: Projects Now Live!

UtilityGenius™ is helping users take the next step toward completing their energy efficiency project...
Kelli DeThomas February 27, 2023

Analysis: Top States for Recessed Downlights Rebates

On top of offering versatility, energy savings, and up to 25,000-hour lifespan, ENERGY STAR® certifi...
Kelli DeThomas February 26, 2022

Energy Efficiency: What is the Real Impact of Our Work?

In October, we celebrated Energy Efficiency Day (October 6th) with a whole week dedicated to all thi...
Kelli DeThomas October 26, 2021

Analysis: Top States for High Bay Luminaire Rebates

High bays are consistently one of the most popular product categories and utility programs offer gre...
Kelli DeThomas February 23, 2021

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