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Empower your marketing team with rebate data

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Rebates are a known mechanism for your sales team. Whether they are pushing to win a bid or trying to convince a customer to invest in a better quality product, leveraging the upfront savings of rebates is an infallible way to push a customer over the finish line. We know your sales team has this covered but is your marketing team taking advantage of this powerful enablement tool?

Become the expert and trusted resource for your customers

Rebates work best when you are proactive with them. Help keep this cost-saving information top of mind by utilizing it in all aspects of your marketing strategy - from flyers to social media posts, there isn’t an asset that incentives can’t elevate. This won’t just drive website traffic and improve user experience but will make you the expert and trusted resource for your customers - increasing the likelihood of a return purchaser.

Meeting your marketing goals is simple once you start incorporating incentive information. This can be achieved through data analysis and a well-designed content strategy based on this. Encentiv can help take this to the next level with our suite of Encentivizer tools to provide all the rebate data you need. Learn more →


Get the most out of your data by utilizing it in your marketing strategy

Influence customers along their purchasing journey but using data to create meaningful content and increase user engagement: 

  • Track your trends. Who is searching for your products? Which products, regions, and utilities are they searching for? Use this information to build a targeted campaign tailored to your customers. 
  • Target those segments. Incorporate this data into your marketing strategy - use your knowledge of top product categories searched for content, or create assets for regional sales teams to act on trends in their area. 

Encentiv can help with additional reporting from our tools to specifically target the products and regions where rebates are most impactful. Learn more →

Power the customer experience with compelling content

Effective content marketing programs focus on creating, distributing, and amplifying content via digital and offline channels, driving audience awareness and engagement to accelerate the achievement of business goals. 

Incorporating rebate information into this strategy will also help to expand territory coverage, improve or develop distributor relationships, and move overstock products. Here are some simple and effective ways to begin introducing rebate information into your marketing calendar:

  • Newsletters. Blogs and newsletters are a great way to educate your audience about the importance of incentives. Content about using incentives in your sales plan is ideal if you have a distribution specific to your sales channel.
  • Sales flyers. Including the rebate for the products on that sales flyer if the flyer is for a specific area. This is a great asset to share with regional sales teams or area distributors.
  • Product launches. Always include rebate information in product launches to leverage them as a sales tool.
  • Targeted email campaigns. Discover where the highest rebates are for new or overstock products to target those regions. This makes for great follow-up content in an email campaign or workflow.
  • Social media. LinkedIn and Facebook are frequently used social media platforms in the industry. Remember to highlight rebate information to keep it top of mind.

Download our Marketing Guide today to begin taking advantage of this simple marketing tool or reach out to learn how Encentivizer tools can become an essential part of your marketing strategy.

Kelli DeThomas
Kelli DeThomas
Product Manager, Encentiv Energy

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