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How Encentivizer Customers Use Product Awareness: Insights from the Product Team


Updated July 30, 2021

  1. Why Utility Rebates Matter For Lighting Manufacturers
  2. How Encentivizer Product Awareness Works
  3. How to Incorporate Utility Rebates into an Email Marketing Campaign

Why Utility Rebates Matter For Lighting Manufacturers


Providing utility rebate information and estimates provides a chance for your sales channels to improve sales conversions. It allows you to show customers that they can offer an innovative way to offset project costs and get long-term energy savings.

Utility rebates cut down the upfront cost and energy savings provide the long-term impact on their utility bill. Give your sales and marketing teams the resource to generate all this information that will help guide their value-driven sales pitch and show that LEDs are a no-brainer.


How Encentivizer Product Awareness Works


2021-07-PAV2-Model-NumbersSearch the Product Catalog

Filter by product category and search by model number to select the right product.

2021-07-PAV2-Compare-ProductsProduct Comparison

Compare up to three products for specifications, energy savings, and rebate information.


Interactive Map

Visualize rebate availability across the US and Canada in an interactive incentive map, easily seeing where the rebates are highest.



See the rebates

Click on a state for more details about its programs and focus your marketing efforts where the rebates are highest for your products. Gather critical data to run segmented marketing campaigns by exporting the file of zip codes or segment your list by state.


How to Incorporate Utility Rebates into an Email Marketing Campaign


We recommend you choose a few model numbers to include in the email campaign. Let's say there are high rebates for 3 of your high bay products in Massachusetts. You will need to create a segmented list in your Email Service Provider (HubSpot, Mailchimp, Pardot, Constant Contact, etc.) that includes everyone in the state of MA.

Now, we need to create the email copy and subject line. Make sure your copy is optimized and states a clear action. Something like, "UP TO A $175* REBATE ON THE HIGH BAY LUMINAIRE AVAILABLE IN MASSACHUSETTS NOW!" will get their attention.

Make sure you also include product details, cost, the potential rebate, and total cost after the rebate.

Include a call-to-action button so they can reach out to your sales team if they are interested in getting more information.

Lastly, adding a disclaimer is smart since utility programs can change status or funding availability - sometimes with no notice. You'll want to make sure your audience knows to check with the utility or use Encentivizer to get the most up-to-date program information.



Ashley Garia
Ashley Garia
Director of Marketing & CX, Encentiv Energy

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