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Introducing the new Product Awareness that helps you create more relevant marketing content, sales enablement that converts, and plan market expansion

Your go-to headquarters for finding where utility rebates are highest in North America for any of your DLC® or ENERGY STAR® qualified products.


Growth teams that use Product Awareness can turn product information with rebate insights into action immediately and experience faster conversions.

Connect your marketing content with rebate information that influences behavior and actually drives action


Marketing teams – whether you’re a team of one or many – need to pull data from a wide range of places to create assets that drive awareness, generate demand, support sales enablement, and ultimately get customers to convert.


Marketing teams can use Product Awareness to see which geographical area has the highest rebates for any of your products to steer your campaign in the right direction. Create a campaign based on utility territories or states that offer rebates for one or multiple product categories.


You can pull valuable real-time rebate data into any of your campaign assets: email campaigns and sequences, social media (targeted paid ads too), ABM, your website, PPC, display ads, search ads, retargeting ads, webinars, content for every stage of the buyer’s journey, sales enablement, etc.


Tip: Need some help getting started or want to discuss in more detail? Start a conversation with our world-class customer success team about how you can start adding value to your sales and marketing assets today. We’ll even provide you with your first Product Awareness report for free!


You can already use the content you have and edit it to add rebate insights, or you can create new content based on your findings in Product Awareness.


Need to make sure your content stays up to date? Just rerun the product to see the rebate estimate and utility updates and apply them to your content.


Now is the time to add rebates into your marketing strategy to start seeing results!

Stack value of your sales enablement content to make buying a no-brainer 


Utility rebates help offset the cost of purchasing new equipment and the cost of the project, plus energy savings provide the long-term impact on their utility bill.


Internal and external sales teams can benefit by adding rebate insights into their outreach – this goes for national accounts, design teams, and pricing departments too.


Whether they are sending out emails, sales or product one-sheeters, quotes, or any other communication – including rebates can get customers to a win faster!


Give your team the resources they need to close more deals and effectively sell your products to customers. Connecting sales teams to real-time rebate insights for them to engage each buyer will value stack your sales enablement content and get bottom line results.



Whether your sales team is struggling to find content to present to buyers – which results in less time selling – or if they need to add something different to their current efforts, rebates are the way to go!

Planning market or customer expansion


When planning your strategy for expanding into new markets – or your customer base – Product Awareness can help you prioritize which geographical area to start with first.


Let’s say you're a lighting manufacturer that sells high bays and your growth has peaked in your current territory. After you do some research on new market opportunities, you make the decision to target the northeastern part of the United States.


To mitigate some of the risk you can quickly search in Product Awareness to see where the highest rebates are for your high bay on a heat map and get results within a minute.

You can see on the map above Maine is offering over a $500 rebate for your high bay! Adding this rebate value to your marketing and sales assets can help you deliver a personalized and relevant message to your new customers in Maine. Plus it gives you a reason to reach out about an offer specific to them that creates urgency to buy versus just marketing to them with products that you sell and why yours are different from your competitors.

Keeping customers happy


Hooray! Your campaign is officially launched and your customers and prospects are responding. Follow up and maintain momentum with carefully crafted, well-timed responses such as other products that have rebates, bonus programs that are limited time offers, average rebate amounts to show them what they could be missing out on, or invite others on your team to brainstorm supportive and relevant responses.


Rebate information plays a part in your long term strategy for success. As utility programs change (they can change for a variety of reasons such as: new products that qualify for rebates, program funds ran out, bonus programs starting or ending, preapproval requirements, and more) you always have a reason to reach back out and follow up.

Here’s what else you get with Product Awareness


You don’t need to maintain your product information – we keep it up-to-date with what you provide to the DLC® and ENERGY STAR®!


All our customers get access to a world-class customer success team who will help you create sales enablement content and marketing assets with rebate information! And get you started with best practices and strategies that you can apply today – plus answer any questions that you have along the way.


For more details on Product Awareness visit our website. Or if you prefer to connect with a human, reach out to us anytime at hello@encentivenergy.com or find us on Twitter @encentivenergy and we'd be happy to help you!

Ashley Garia
Ashley Garia
Director of Marketing & CX, Encentiv Energy

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