Encentiv Energy News

Top 5 articles you need to read now

Written by Ashley Garia | August 28, 2019

These articles are the best of the best. Learn about utilities and why they give away money, horticultural lighting, lighting controls and rebates, and the DLC® Stakeholder Meeting.


1. DesignLights Consortium® Stakeholder Meeting Recap

Solutions-based lighting with a focus on quality, controllability, and efficacy so that a more comfortable, productive, and safer environment for people can be achieved. Along with the proposed average efficacy increase of 9.6%.

Keep reading →


2. Why do utilities give away money?

This article makes the connection and explains how product manufacturers, utilities, and building owners are impacted by utility rebates.

See the explanation →


3. Horticultural lighting is a fast-growing segment in the LED industry

Everything from utility rebate programs to the DLC® Hort Qualification is seeing major changes with this new market.

Get the inside scoop on horticultural lighting →


4 & 5. Lighting Controls & Rebates, Parts I & II

Learn how utility programs are incentivizing different types of lighting controls and how they are doing it. Then, learn about a more "systems" approach, which is the basis for how utility incentives are calculated on an energy savings approach.

Read Part I →

Read Part II →


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