Encentiv Energy News

LEDucation 2024 Recap

Written by Encentiv Energy Team | April 17, 2024

Early last week, our team traveled to New York City to attend LEDucation, quickly becoming a hot spot for the lighting industry to connect. We spent time walking the four exhibit halls and attending sessions to hear about some of the year’s most relevant trends and topics. Read on for our top takeaways from our time in New York!

  1. It was very busy.

    The lighting industry has always traveled well, but one word to describe LEDucation 2024 is “packed!” The show floor was as packed as a rush hour New York subway, and many sessions we attended were standing room only. While things were crowded, it was a great opportunity for catching up with old friends in the industry and making new connections. We heard glowing reviews from all the exhibitors we spoke to, with many already signing up to attend in 2025.
  2. Leveraging controls for improved efficiency.

    Improving building efficiency through lighting has been a hot topic for years. However, LEDs are now commonplace in many buildings, which begs the question: what next? If we listen to trends from LEDucation, a greater emphasis on controls will be key to further efficiency improvements. Both the latest ASHRAE and IECC codes have more intense requirements for controls in commercial and residential buildings, including occupancy sensors, vacancy sensors, and dimming controls. By implementing these measures, it’s easier to manage a building’s total load through responsiveness to the people and conditions of the building.

  3. Equitable, ethical lighting.

    Lighting design that is better for people was another prominent topic, with sessions covering equity in lighting and human-centric design. Some areas of focus included incorporating task lighting for different needs such as low vision or proneness to migraines, lighting measures designed for individual video calls in offices, and what sorts of lighting can best support circadian rhythms, including those who work night shift. 

  4. The importance of exterior and outdoor lighting.

    There was a renewed focus on exterior and outdoor lighting in addition to interior lighting conversations this year. Topics included the impact of light pollution and skyglow, both of which intertwine with truly sustainable outdoor lighting. As light pollution is increasing year over year, focusing on the impacts of outdoor projects is an easy win for C&I spaces looking to meet decarbonization targets. 

If you’re involved in the lighting industry, LEDucation is quickly becoming a must-attend. Let us know: did you go this year? Are you already planning next year’s trip?