Don’t wait ’til aging HVAC equipment breaks! Did you know that early replacement of your HVAC system with new energy efficient equipment can be rebate eligible? There are many reasons to consider replacing your HVAC equipment early:
WARNING: Some utility programs require pre-approval or pre-inspection. The time it takes for either of these would be too long for a building to go without equipment until it gets replaced. That’s why it’s so important to keep your eye on how your commercial HVAC equipment is operating. Just keep in mind that each utility rebate program is different and has very different requirements to get incentives for commercial HVAC equipment replacement.
Here is some information on how HVAC programs can be structured and how most utilities look at incentives. Since rebate programs are designed to promote upgrading equipment with energy efficiency in mind, most programs won’t incentivize the replacement of failed equipment at all. So, it makes sense to upgrade before that happens, then the rebates will help offset that upfront cost. The upgrade will also immediately start saving money on utility bills and decrease the risk of unforeseen maintenance costs.
HVAC can be incentivized in multiple ways, based on energy savings or a dollar amount per unit, but the most common rebate type for HVAC is per ton. The values of these rebates can vary significantly based on your utility, with $50 per ton being the most common rebate for packaged rooftop units and many utilities offering between $100-$500 per ton.
Additionally, some utilities will incentivize you to become even more efficient with your upgrade, offering higher incentive levels for more efficient equipment.
By upgrading commercial HVAC systems, it can lower operating costs, increase energy efficiency, and if the upgrade is considered and started early, you can submit for utility incentives to help with the project cost. you can apply for utility program incentives to help with the project cost. Replacing commercial HVAC equipment before it fails will save time, money, and it might not cost as much as anticipated. Utility rebates for HVAC equipment can lower the cost of the new equipment and act as an incentive for the upgrade.